foretell AI changing how we care for each otherforetell AI improving how we care for one another

Spending time with our elders brings joy to families. foretell AI helps.

foretell AI changing how we care for each otherforetell AI improves senior care and parenting

foretell AI organizes the power of AI for you. Access meaningful data on any IoT device to improve group decision making of families, senior caregivers and first responders. foretell AI empowers with your very own personalized AI. foretell AI prioritizes all your own information data streams based on your own personal preferences.  Time is saved!

Ceremony that inspires kids to study.  foretell AI changes how we care for one another.

foretell AI changing how we care for each otherImproving parenting and child development

People have so little time in this busy world. We empower apps and devices by licensing to both middle ware and consumer ready apps. Supercharge your app or device with a foretell AI license. This enables your apps to personalize and synchronize data with other apps and devices. foretell AI technology facilitates your apps or devices to share personalized AI capabilities to each person in your family and support system. Contact us about a licensing agreement.

foretell AI works like a brain
foretell AI works like a brain

foretell AIforetell AI provides “Last Mile” of AI decision support

foretell AI taps into IoT, crowd sourced, medical, mental health, school and learning databases to provide context based decision making assistance. Our foretell AI detects differences from the norm, interacts with group members and  predicts situations.​foretell AI combines natural stimuli conversion, decision making analysis, big data analysis, and spatial motion management into AI solutions that super-charge all clients apps.


foretell AI taps into IoT, crowd sourced, medical, mental health, school and learning databases to provide context based decision making assistance. Our foretell AI detects differences from the norm, interacts with group members and predicts situations.​ foretell AI combines natural stimuli conversion, decision making analysis, big data analysis, and spatial motion management into AI solutions that super-charge all clients apps.

foretell AI works like a brain
foretell AI works like a brain

foretell AIforetell AI provides “Last Mile” of AI decision support

foretell AI taps into IoT, crowd sourced, medical, mental health, school and learning databases to provide context based decision making assistance. Our foretell AI detects differences from the norm, interacts with group members and  predicts situations.​foretell AI combines natural stimuli conversion, decision making analysis, big data analysis, and spatial motion management into AI solutions that super-charge all clients apps.


foretell AI taps into IoT, crowd sourced, medical, mental health, school and learning databases to provide context based decision making assistance. Our foretell AI detects differences from the norm, interacts with group members and predicts situations.​ foretell AI combines natural stimuli conversion, decision making analysis, big data analysis, and spatial motion management into AI solutions that super-charge all clients apps.

foretell AIforetell AI improves group decision making

Parents and extended families will benefit by the personalized analysis  and advice stemming from overwhelming amounts of information  available. We merge all your personal data streams from device data, SIRI, Alexa, Google Assistance, and a number of child safety apps, health apps, shared expenses, sports schedules, celebrations and parties, and family locators.  foretell AI provides your personal AI based analysis and customization of the data. You get exactly what you want and need each moment.

Senior level care is easier when all caregivers, medical teams, and the elder have access to the same information at the same time.  Everyone you choose for your group is updated with real-time advice based on facts, needed reminders, and location.

App developers join forces to provide your personal AI analysis and practical advice and foretell AI is able to link up all the other key apps.  We unify to provide you with a personalized AI guiding you.;​